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Make Your Speakers Sound Better With These 7 Tips

In my work as a music producer and sound engineer, sound is of paramount importance just like it is for any audiophile out there. Which is why getting the best sound possible out of speakers is important.

Therefore, this post will discuss some ways in which you can make your speakers sound better.

This post is pretty much useful to anyone that has speakers and is not only restricted to audiophiles or engineers…

So before you close this page…read through because you’ll find these tips quite useful..

With that said, How can I make my speakers sound better?

Below are some things you can do to make your speakers sound better but just remember that it’s not always easy to do this.

Your best bet is to ensure that you have the right sound system and use the right speaker placement.

However, I’ll discuss some more things you can do to better your listening experience.

1. Get your speaker placement right

Like I just mentioned above, speaker placement is important because it will determine how sound flows in a your room.

Ensure that you get the speakers up to head height by using sturdy speaker stands.

If you’re working with bigger speakers, getting them off the ground is also necessary.

Furthermore, ensure that you toe in your speakers, which is simply placing them at an angle facing the listening position.

This will help you get a good stereo feel

Also decide on the number of speakers you’ll work with so that you figure out their placement in accordance with the layout of your room.

2. Get your room acoustics right

Acoustics in the room matter as well. A good sounding speaker won’t sound good in a room if it’s not acoustically appropriate.

Which is why you should make sure to insulate hard walls by using acoustic absorbent panels other absorbent material in order to avoid sound reflections.

As a caution, don’t over use Absorption material in your space because you don’t want to end up with a dead room.

You want to maintain a good natural flow of sound.

If you’re using the speakers outdoors then make they can handle that kind of work.

Also ensure that you place them on stands and angle them right.

3. Use good speakers

To have the best speaker performance, you of course need to use good speakers.

This comes down to choosing good speakers that can get the job done.

Just remember that good doesn’t always mean expensive.

There are various speaker recommendations online that you can check out before you even crank out your credit to buy the first thing you see.

Do your due diligence and you’ll find it easier to choose the correct speakers.

Avoid using random speakers, always check specifications to make sure you’re buying quality.

4. Get rid of objects interfering

To have the right flow of sound in a room you need to ensure that the flow of sound is not being blocked by any objects.

Therefore ensure that you get rid of any objects that are in the way of your speakers.

You need the sound to reach the listening position without being diverted away.

This will make your speakers sound better as well as eliminate any issues that you may encounter due to sound obstruction.

5. Use the correct speakers

Like I mentioned, buying good speakers means finding the right speakers…but what is even perhaps more important is to use the correct speakers.

If you’re carrying out audio production work which involves delicate sound engineering then you need to use speakers that have a flat frequency response so you get the actual audio representation.

If you’re simply pleasure listening then you can settle for other types of speakers.

It is however cardinal that you use correct speakers meant for the work you intend to carry out.

For example, there’s no point in using big stage speakers when engineering audio.

You just need sizable studio monitor speakers, therefore get the right speakers.

6. Lighter cone, stronger magnet

The mechanics of a speaker are also a huge part of their operation.

In practical terms, having a lighter cone and a stronger magnet will improve the sound quality of the speaker.

If you can be in a place to change these two components inside your speakers to replace them with better ones, then you can improve sound quality .

7. Try different walls

You should also avoid having your speakers near walls because you’ll run into sound reflection problems.

If you have the option of other rooms with different walls then you should try using the speakers in other rooms until you find the right room with the right Acoustics.

You need to avoid having your speakers close to walls that are not acoustically treated.

Make Your Speakers Sound Better With These 7 Tips
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